Total War: Attila

Creative Assembly on a modern era Total War: "It's on the list"

The studio has a list of potential projects, and a modern war title is on there.

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In the latest issue of Gamereactor Magazine we talked with Creative Assembly's Mike Simpson about Total War, working with Sega, and much more. During the interview we asked how the studio selects their projects.

"We effectively have a list," Simpson explained. "We have a constant list of things that we would like to do one day, and the different periods of history, the different places around the world that match our criteria one way or nother, and we just argue about the order on the list, and eventually we're going to get to all of them. It's going to take a while, but I'm sure we will cover everything eventually. So it's just a case of the order in which we do stuff."

We then asked whether there was anything particularly modern on this list, and the answer we got was was quite surprising.

"Modern's interesting. Modern, when you start getting into the 20th century, the game engines that currently stand can deal with it to some extent but would need quite major revisions to deal with it well. I think we could make a World War 1 game with our current technology, but I don't think a World War 1 game would be much fun. Fun is not a word you'd normally associate with World War 1; there's something too raw and unpleasant about that whole period, which makes it difficult."

CA's creative director continued: "World War 2 is obviously a much more popular time to set a game in, but the scale is completely different to the type of thing our engine does, so we would have to do something completely different for that. So yes, we do talk about modern era from time to time. It's on the list, don't know when we're going to get to that. It could be a long time."

So it seems that the studio does consider moving the franchise forward in time, although it does sound like a more modern Total War is still someway off in the distance. The studio's latest game, Total War: Attila (pictured), is out today, and you can head this way if you want to read our review.

Total War: Attila

You can read the full interview only in Gamereactor Magazine, which is out now and available in stores nationwide. To get the magazine delivered straight to your door, head on over to our subscriptions page.

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Total War: AttilaScore

Total War: Attila

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"While not a step forward when compared to Rome II, Attila still stands as a worthy companion piece."

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