Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Could a CS:GO sequel be on the way?

Rumours have sparked over a recent driver update file.

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Valve isn't known for making sequels, or at least when it does it takes an absolute age to do so. But, some believe a sequel to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive could be on the way after discovering an interesting file in Nvidia's latest round of drivers.

Within the drivers were references of "csgo2.exe" and "cs2.exe." It was clarified by the user who found these references that "cs2.exe" is a leftover from 2014, but in regard to "csgo2.exe" it seems we have less information.

This has led some to believe we could be getting a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive sequel in the Source 2 engine. While this is possible, it might not be likely, considering CS:GO is enjoying rampant success even being as old as it is.

Player count records have been broken for the game recently, and so if Valve is developing a sequel, it would risk splitting it's player base between the older and newer games.

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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