Mika and the Witch’s Mountain

Confirmed: Koa to have cameo in Mika and the Witch's Mountain

We spoke with Irina Moreno, Social media manager of Chibig, to talk about their success on Kickstarter, the promises of the game and the trajectory of their other games.

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If we talk about the inide videogame development scene, I'm sure the name Chibig Studio rings a bell for many of you. Not only have they managed to touch the hearts of thousands of gamers with their colourful and lively titles like Deiland, Summer in Mara, Ankora: Lost Days or Koa and the five pirates of Mara (here together with Talpa Games and Undercoders), but also because for their next game, Mika and the Witch's Mountain, they managed to make the most successful Spanish campaign in the history of Kickstarter.

The success of the campaign has undoubtedly meant that the other titles in the studio's catalogue have also benefited in terms of sales, but it also implies that there is an important commitment to all those backers who have contributed their grain of sand to Mika. We were able to talk to Irina Moreno, Social Media Manager at Chibig during the recent BIG Conference, whose full interview you can see below.


On the subject of the impact on its other games, the most notable has undoubtedly been the warm sales reception on PlayStation consoles for its latest release, Koa and the five pirates of Mara, launched in summer 2023. "We had a surprise with PlayStation sales. The community gave us a happy surprise because they were expecting a platform game like the classics, Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario. And it was amazing because they came to the game and played it to the fullest, and they are very happy with the result, so we are happy too."

While this gives confidence in the results, expectations with Mika are high, and so Moreno acknowledges: "Doing a Kickstarter campaign is a very hard thing," she began. "You have to do something, a lot of things to analyse, a lot of things to plan before you do it, and also during the campaign itself. But we are very happy with the result, and we hope that we can fulfil the wishes and expectations that we have as developers and also the community."

Towards the end of the interview, and as a final cherry on top of what's in store for us and the rest of the fans of the studio's games, it seems that there will be some sort of Chibig-verse event with other protagonists in Mika and the Witch's Mountain, although logically it seems that everything is shrouded in secrecy for now.

"I don't know if I can say it... Yes, I can, I can. There will be some Summer characters in Mara and Koa with a development, not of the physical part, but also in the narrative. In Mika you, the community, the people, the players, will be able to find Koa for a special mission. And that's all I can say."

With this intrigue about what is to come, we look forward to Mika and the Witch's Mountain, which is scheduled for release, if all goes well and as Irina also confirmed to us, "before summer 2024".

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