Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Classic FM hosting video game music show

And the composer of Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is a presenter.

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Classic FM have announced that they are launching a show dedicated to video game music, and what's more is that the composer of Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Jessica Curry, will be a presenter on it.

"Fourteen years ago, Classic FM became the first station to broadcast a weekly national radio programme dedicated to film music," Classic FM said in a news post. "Now, we're launching the UK's first weekly radio series dedicated to symphonic video game music. The six-week series will start on 22nd April and will run every Saturday from 9pm to 10pm."

Curry, who is also co-founder of The Chinese Room, tweeted: "So, I'm very, very (over) excited to announce that I'm going to be a new presenter on @ClassicFM!!! Presenting a show on video game music."

What video game music would you like to see feature? Something like Fallout 3's radio, or maybe the score from Halo?

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

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Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

REVIEW. Written by Katrine Baumgardt

"The sun is shining, the sky is blue and flowers dot the landscape with every colour you can imagine. It doesn't exactly look like the end of the world."

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