Civilization VI

Civilization VI now available on Android with a free trial

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After being ported to almost every possible major platform in the market, Civilization VI has finally arrived on Android. You can download it now and try a free trial, with an option to purchase the full game at $19.99. In the free trial, you can play 60 turns but after that, you have to buy the game.

Expansions such as "Rise and Fall" and "Gathering Storm," as well as all Civilization and Scenario packs, are available via in-app purchases, but grabbing everything drives the cost up considerably. You can get Civilization VI now on Google Play.

Civilization VI
Civilization VICivilization VICivilization VI
Civilization VICivilization VICivilization VI

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Civilization VI (Switch)Score

Civilization VI (Switch)

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"Despite a couple of issues, if you're after a deep and engaging strategy experience on Nintendo's console, you won't find anything better than this."

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