Mafia III

Check out the pre-order bonuses for Mafia III in new trailer

If pre-ordering is your thing, that is.

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Aah, the pre-order bonus. The ever-tempting array of slightly cool in-game additions that attempt to lure you into putting your money down early for a product that has absolutely no scarcity.

Every major game release has them, and despite our cynicism, the upcoming Mafia III is no different. There's exclusive vehicles and guns available for those who chose to buy the game based purely on marketing, rather than waiting to see what reviewers and early adopters say. Check the trailer below to see what awaits those of you eager to give 2K your money long before they'll give you your game.

Mafia III

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Mafia III

REVIEW. Written by Andreas Blom

"If you can see past the technical issues you'll find a very entertaining game."

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