Just like Monster Hunter Rise before it, Capcom previously revealed that Monster Hunter Stories 2 will receive several free content updates post-launch to keep players engaged. The third-party publisher has now rolled out a new roadmap for the game that includes five content drops that span from July until this October.
The first update is set to arrive just one week after launch and it introduces Monster Hunter Rise's Palamute as a new Monstie ally. Following this, on August 5, Kulve Taroth is being added as the first post-launch co-op exclusive monster and both Hellblade Glavenus and Boltreaver Astalos are also being introduced.
Update 3 in early September will add Soulseer Mizutsune, Elderfrost Gammoth, and Oroshi Kirin, and Update 4 in late September will welcome the following monsters: Dreadking Rathalos and Molten Tigrex. The fifth and final update is particularly interesting as one of the co-op exclusive monsters has not yet been detailed. We do know however that Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian will be coming to the game on this date.
Which of these content updates are you most looking forward to?