Blossom Tales

Blossom Tales Switch sales destroy Steam sales

Has sold 20 times as much on Nintendo's console.

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Late last year, the RPG Blossom Tales was released for both PC and Switch. Already on the first day, the developers FDG Entertainment announced that the Switch version outsold the Steam release with twice the sales. Since then, it has done even better on Switch. Now FDG tweets that Blossom Tales is in fact outperforming it's Steam counterpart by a massive 20 times:

"#BlossomTales #NintendoSwitch sales have now surpassed #Steam sales by a factor of 20! We're incredibly thankful to everyone who bought the game no matter on which of the platforms but @NintendoAmerica community really was the turnaround for this beautiful game."

Why do you think indie games are performed incredibly well on the Switch and have you tried Blossom Tales yourself?

Blossom Tales
Blossom TalesBlossom Tales
Blossom Tales
Blossom TalesBlossom Tales
Blossom Tales

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