Blade Chimera

Blade Chimera

A Metrodivania that mixes cyberpunk aesthetics and pixel graphics sounds pretty cool, right? Conny has been slaughtering demons at breakneck speed to find out if this is a winning combo...

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The ever-popular Metroidvania concept, like most genres, has solid pillars that make it all familiar. Things we expect and things we want. Because in many ways, that's what we like; to get those things that define a genre in itself but can then surprise and entertain us with everything from the visuals to the atmosphere. These two factors are what I think Blade Chimera does best. The rather simple pixel graphics are nice, nostalgic and mixed with a cyberpunk theme, so it fits together nicely. The environments are, except for some dull corridors, nice to look at and also fit very well in handheld mode on the Nintendo Switch. It is an easy adventure to start and get into and you always have a good overview of what is happening on the screen.

The story itself is simple; you play as Shin, who is a demon hunter, which consequently leads to you slaughtering demons in various guises. The main game-mechanical ingredient here is Lux, a demon that joins you and is carried around in the form of a sword. You can then use Lux not just as a weapon, but to defend yourself, create ledges, or repair objects, walls and bridges that allow you to move on. However, the repairing mechanic feels a bit redundant as a bridge, wall or other object to reach a higher height appears as an icon where it is possible to do so. One press of a button later and it is recreated. So it's not very subtle and the objects are sort of predetermined and marked on the screen. Puzzles in their simplest form, you could say. It gives a little variety to an otherwise rather monotonous adventure to use the sword in a few different contexts, although it is very simply executed. It feels a bit more like an extra button press to move on than a real obstacle, but yes, it adds at least a little variety.

Blade Chimera
The sword can be used for both defence and as a weapon.

The game action is much of the same. Enemies stomping back and forth, or doing little jumps or shooting different kinds of projectiles. They swallow some lead before they explode, and that's what we're treated to along with some more grandiose bosses. The enemies generally feel quite boring in both design and behaviour and are more of an obstacle than a challenge. You can simply pepper them until they die or use the sword to create a barrier that they enter and are quickly destroyed. It is possible to recall the sword and then it does damage to it in its path as it flies back to Shin. As for the bosses, the challenge and finesse is a little better and they are also quite bold in how they look and require at least some tactics to defeat. With all the action this offers, I would have hoped for a bit more speed, excitement and challenge.

Blade Chimera
The game's bosses are big and cool.
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There are other things like a very stripped down skill tree so naturally you level up when you kill enemies. You can also buy new weapons and elixirs to regain life, as well as the magic points that the sword costs to use. The real progress and the possibility to get past certain obstacles, is classically locked behind, for example, a boss or to get to a certain point on the map. It can be getting a pass or learning an ability that allows you to reach a new area. Overall, however, it is very linear with a clear path. There is also not much else to explore or discover, which makes the whole journey through the environments very monotonous.

Blade Chimera does nothing really new. The map looks and feels familiar in its design with locked passages you can reach only later. It feels quite contentless and very classic. Most of it is stripped down, but it's not exactly boring in terms of its playability either. But it feels like it's missing something unique. The story is largely non-existent except for some dialogue boxes and it is mainly the action and platforming of the adventure that takes the driver's seat. It's a shame that this bit doesn't offer a bit more finesse as it becomes very much of the same piece; get through rooms, jump a bit, shoot a bit and then slowly make your way to the next room. It quickly becomes repetitive despite the change of environment.

Blade Chimera
The environments are beautiful with gorgeous pixel graphics.

The presentation with pixel graphics is liked, of course, but unfortunately the game's music is not very memorable, which drags down the whole impression a bit. I do, however, like the responsiveness of Shin's animations, which does not quite go hand in hand with the responsiveness of the controls. In platform jumping, it doesn't feel quite as responsive as I would have liked and the aiming has a tendency to adjust a bit strangely when you have to take on flying enemies in particular. There's nothing here that really requires incredibly tight game control, but it's a little frustrating to miss a jump because the control responds a little sluggishly or Shin sort of locks the aim in the wrong direction.

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In many ways, it feels like a simpler indie game that is in no way bad or boring. As a whole, it's just a little too stripped down and without directly surprising or offering anything that feels directly exciting. The game comes with a low price tag and true hardcore fans of the genre can certainly get themselves a few hours of perfectly fine entertainment.

06 Gamereactor UK
6 / 10
Fancy pixel graphics, great atmosphere, cool bosses
Boring enemies, game mechanics stripped down, gamepad doesn't feel fully responsive, not very original
overall score
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Blade ChimeraScore

Blade Chimera

REVIEW. Written by Conny Andersson

A Metrodivania that mixes cyberpunk aesthetics and pixel graphics sounds pretty cool, right? Conny has been slaughtering demons at breakneck speed to find out if this is a winning combo...

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