
Below is finally coming out this year

Capy is closing in on the end of development.

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Canadian indie outfit Capybara Games (r just Capy for short) announced Below back at E3 2013 during Microsoft's press conference. Since then the game has been part of many subsequent events, but one release window after another has come and gone.

The game still lacks a solid release date, but according to creative director Kris Piotrowski, Below will most likely make it out in 2018: "I still can't say the exact date, but we are aiming for this year -- although we've said that over and over."

It's been 5 years so let's hope that the game that finally gets released is an experience worth waiting for. Below runs in 4K at 60 FPS on Xbox One X and was shown as such during GDC 18.

Maybe it's finally time to play Below this year either on PC or on Xbox One? Leave your comments... Below.


Thanks, Engadget.

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REVIEW. Written by Kieran Harris

"As callous and unforgiving as it can be we still had a great time with Below."

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