Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 won't get any further seasons

DICE will continue to support the game with minor content but no more major seasonal additions will come.

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EA and DICE has confirmed that Battlefield 2042 will no longer be getting any further major seasonal additions. Following the arrival of Season 7: Turning Point, DICE has come to its own turning point and decided that its focus must be placed on the future of the franchise, meaning no more seasons will be coming for the shooter.

This doesn't mean that the game won't be supported any further. DICE notes that additional challenges, events, modes, maintenance, and such will still be coming but it does seem like the days of massive updates are behind us for Battlefield 2042.

"While we've enjoyed and are proud of creating these seasons of additional content for Battlefield 2042, it is now necessary for us to turn from the present to the future. What this ultimately means is that Season 7 will serve as the final season for Battlefield 2042. After Season 7 concludes, we will continue to support the game with new in-game challenges, events, modes, and of course, ongoing maintenance, but we are moving away from delivering official seasons."

EA also used this announcement as a way to welcome the team of developers at Motive (Dead Space Remake) into the fold, where they will be helping DICE, Criterion, and Ripple Effect create a "Battlefield universe across connected multiplayer experiences and single-player."

Battlefield 2042

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