Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 gets a holiday event

Free battlepacks, vehicle skins, and more await.

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Many games have a special holiday event to celebrate Christmas time, and Battlefield 1 is one of them. According to DICE The Battlefield 1 Holiday Event adds free battlepacks, a Holiday Truce Dog Tag, and a new custom game mode called Blind Delivery.

Blind Delivery is a modded version of War Pigeons, where the minimap is turned off and only handguns and explosives are allowed. Yesterday the Holiday Truce Dog Tag was launched too, being awarded to all those who merely logged in, and yesterday also saw the release of vehicle skins. The two that are available are "the Distinguished "SchnucK" [and] the Legendary "Desert Gold"."

The event started on December 21 and continues up until December 29, where a battlepack will be awarded to each account and two superior battlepacks will be awarded to premium pass holders. Which is the best part of this holiday event?

Battlefield 1

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Battlefield 1

REVIEW. Written by Oliver Thulin

"You can spot elements of the best parts of almost every Battlefield title in there, and when it's at its best it feels better than ever."

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