In October 2024, the winners of the annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year were revealed, with 2024's best image going to a close-up snapshot of several tadpoles swimming through murky waters packed with reeds. However, since that day, we now know which image has won the People's Choice Award too, and this has gone to a picture taken by Ian Wood depicting a particularly inquisitive badger.
The image is known as No Access and sees badger taken aback by a Banksy image that depicts a badger wielding two pistols and locked in what looks to be a mexican standoff-like pose.
The image managed to beat out four other leading snapshots, one of which is called Earth and Sky by Francisco Negroni that gave a very stunning look at a volcano surrounded by clouds, and three others by Jess Findlay, Michel d'Oltremont, and David Northall. You can see all five images in the video below by the WPY.