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      Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

      Bandai Namco's 3 Switch games could come this fiscal year

      This would include Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

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      Bandai Namco has reconfirmed its three games coming to the Nintendo Switch, as reported by Nintendo Everything, and it seems as if these are planned for the coming fiscal year.

      These three games, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, a new Taiko Drum Master game, and a new entry in the Tales of series, were announced back in January, and while this isn't an official confirmation that they will be released in the upcoming fiscal year, it does seem as if this might be the case.

      Hopefully Bandai Namco will update us soon regarding exactly when we can expect these games, but which one would you like to get your hands on first?

      Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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