Fort Solis

Award-winning actors team up in Fort Solis this summer

A new gameplay trailer shows us a bit of what Troy Baker, Roger Clark and Julia Brown have in store for us on PC and PS5.

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We've barely heard anything about Fort Solis since Troy Baker and Roger Clark unveiled the game during last year's Summer Games Fest, so I wouldn't blame you if you thought it had been delayed away from its 2023 launch. That seems to be far from the case.

Today's so-called gameplay trailer doesn't just show us some of the spooky stuff that awaits in Fort Solis, but also makes it clear the game is slated to be released on PC and PlayStation 5 this summer. A demo is available at GDC this week, so we'll see if those plans change based on the feedback or if the attendees say it's good to go in a few months.

Fort Solis

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Fort SolisScore

Fort Solis

REVIEW. Written by Jakob Hansen

Fort Solis unfortunately fails to realise its great potential as it is caught between being a film and a game.

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