A larger version of one of the world's deadliest spiders - the Sydney funnel-web - has been officially recognised by Australian scientists. Not only is this big fella larger than the more common funnel-web, but he also has more venom. Great!
"Big boy," was first discovered by Kane Christensen, former head of spiders at the Australian Reptile Park, and he found it all the way back in the early 2000s. Now that the species has been confirmed, it has been named atrax christenseni in his honour.
"Sometimes you might find them in a garage or in a bedroom or somewhere in the house where they might have wandered in during the night," Mr Christensen said. "I would not recommend touching them that's for sure, they do give copious amounts of venom."
According to Sky News, the more common Sydney funnel-webs have been linked to thirteen deaths, but none since an anti-venom was developed back in 1981, so even though they might be dangerous with their bite, you don't have to worry about finding an early grave thanks to big boy.