
Astroneer update celebrates Moon Landing anniversary

You can find a Lunar Module yourself, including a vintage camera and audio logs from the crew of Apollo 11.

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It's the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing today, and to celebrate Apollo 11's small step for man, System Era Softworks' Astroneer has a Lunar Update available right now for PC and Xbox One.

This features the Apollo Lunar Module on the Desolo moon, which will be there until August 31 to allow explorers to unlock a vintage spacesuit palette and visor. This module also takes photos in a vintage style too, with players invited to share their pictures using #ApolloAstroneer.

If you find the module you'll also get to hear over an hour of audio, including from Mission Control, Mike Collins talking to Mission Control from the Lunar Module, and more. New platforms and storage are also coming in to discover once you've found all this.

"The wonder and optimism of space travel fuels the adventures of Astroneer, which our intrepid community has come to adore," said Joe Tirado, Communications Director for System Era Softworks. "No event in history better captures this spirit than the Apollo 11 mission, the heroism and dedication of which inspire our development. We're tremendously humbled by the mission's legacy and excited to pay respect to them in our own way."

What's more is that Astroneer is discounted on Steam until Monday, so new players can jump in too.

Will you be hunting for the Module?


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REVIEW. Written by Lisa Dahlgren

"Astroneer offers a delightful experience to lose oneself in, paired with wonderful visuals, and reviewing it was truly a pleasure."

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