Assassin's Creed II has been confirmed as the next Xbox title in the ongoing promotion from Microsoft, Games With Gold. The title was confirmed by Major Nelson on Twitter, where he simply stated: "I can confirm that Assassin's Creed II will be the next free title released in the Xbox "Games With Gold" Program."
Major Nelson, AKA Larry Hryb, also confirmed that the promo that was announced during E3 might extend beyond the launch of Xbox One. When asked if the service would finish at the end of the year as planned, he told users on Reddit: "Anything is possible. We'll see how the program goes."
The first games to be offered to Gold subscribers for free were Fable III and Defense Grid: The Awakening. While ACII is definitely a classier proposition, given that this promotion is in direct competition with the offering from Sony in the form of Playstation Plus, the games currently being wheeled out by Microsoft are dangerously close to be underwhelming (age being the issue with Assassin's Creed II, rather than general appeal). Head this way to see the latest titles available on PS Plus and see if you think the MS promotion measures up...