The Witness

Ashley Johnson lends her voice to The Witness

The Last of Us' Ellie makes contribution to Jonathan Blow's new game.

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Jonathan Blow (Braid) is about to unleash his next game, The Witness, on PS4 later this month and over on the PlayStation Blog he has revealed the voice cast of the game. Now you may be surprised to hear there's a voice cast involved with the production, but these voices will merely be present in audio logs as the game riffs on that particular game design trope.

"The Witness has recordings like this, but let's just say they are done in a highly non-traditional way. When you first encounter them you won't find much in the way of answers, but, if you keep looking, you will eventually be able to piece together what's going on," writes Blow in the blog entry.

The most recognisable actor amongst the cast is Ashley Johnson, who is best known for her role as Ellie in The Last of Us and also featured in Tales from the Borderlands and Infamous: First Light. Additionally Phil LaMarr (Marvin in Pulp Fiction and Vamp in MGS2 & 4, as well as Futurama's Hermes), Matthew Waterson (Sir Lucas in The Order: 1886), and Terra Deva (The Mickey Mouse Club).

The Witness

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The Witness

REVIEW. Written by Eirik Hyldbakk Furu

"You will most likely get stuck at some point, but if you get past it, you're rewarded with a wonderful experience and a sense of accomplishment."

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