Five lovable console flops
Not all console launches have gone according to plan over the decades. Here are five consoles that sold poorly, but were pretty amazing anyway.
Jonas Mäki
Nicolas Cage's top five performances
From Face/Off to Con Air, and on to a couple of Oscar-winning top roles. Cage has seen and done it all.
Best so far in 2024
The first half of 2024 is over and now we're taking a look at which games have impressed us the most so far...
Jonas Mäki
Aarke Carbonator 3 vs. Aarke Carbonator Pro
Sophistication and style, but which one is the perfect fit for your kitchen?
Brad Pitt's top five performances
Hollywood's popular hunk has, over time, defied typecasting and offered more memorable role interpretations than we can count...
Netflix: What to watch in July 2024
Blockbuster films and anticipated follow-up seasons headline this coming month for the streamer.
Ben Lyons
Disney+: What to watch in July 2024
We won't lie, it's a rough month...
Ben Lyons
Morgan Freeman's top five performances
Hanks, Hardy, Leo, Denzel and a whole host of other really sharp actors have been ranked so far and now it's high time for Mr Freeman...
Screen Time - July 2024
The summer season of exciting debuts continues with blockbuster after blockbuster.
Ben Lyons
Games To Look For - July 2024
From anticipated expansions to narrative-heavy adventures, to retro collections and action-RPGs, to various sports options and strategy experiences too, there's a lot to look ahead to this July.
Ben Lyons
The games that deserved a better fate
Not all good games sell as well as hoped, and we take a closer look at some of the games that deserved better.
Text: GR Staff
Leonardo DiCaprio's top five performances
Hanks, Hardy, De Niro, Washington, Streep, Blanchett, Russell. We've already covered a whole bunch of incredible actors and now it's time for Leo
Denzel Washington's top five performances
One of the greatest character actors of all time is, of course, Denzel Washington, and in the latest of the Top Five, we rank his finest performances...
9 exciting indies Ben saw at Summer Game Fest
It's time to give some of the smaller titles that we only got a brief taste of in Los Angeles a moment in the spotlight.
Ben Lyons
Kurt Russell's top five performances
After weeks of agonising, we have chosen what we consider to be Kurt's five finest performances. Do you agree?
Warhammer 40.000: Darktide: Secrets of the Machine God
Fatshark gives us new toys of destruction and a new level for free
Kim Olsen
Morbid Metal, Projekt Z, and Ferocious: Highlighting three games Baked in Germany
We turn our attention to three upcoming German projects, each developed using the Unity Engine.
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Meryl Streep's top five performances
The greatest female actor of modern times is Meryl Streep and although it's extremely difficult to choose five films from all her masterful performances, here is our top list...
Kevin Spacey's top 5 performances
After two rounds of acquittals on all counts, he's back, and of course it's time for us to choose what we consider to be his five finest moments.
Michael Douglas' top five performances
For nearly 40 years, he has refused fantasy, science fiction and historical roles. Instead, he has worked his magic as a stockbroker, accountant and president...
Cate Blanchett's top five performances
Does perfection exist? It wasn't a rhetorical question, because the answer is Cate Blanchett. Here are her five most notable roles...
Tom Hanks' top five best performances
We continue our series of articles in which we recognise the finest performances from a whole host of colourful names. This time it's time for cosy Tom Hanks...
Steam Deck
The ultimate handheld gaming experience
Story First: The Best Recent Games That Put Narrative Above Monetisation
They don't have in-game stores. They don't require you to always be online. They don't have multiplayer modes designed to suck you in with the reward loop. And yet, they were massive successes.
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Xbox Games Showcase 2024's biggest absentees
We look back at all those big announcements that were left out of Microsoft's event that we want to know more about.
Text: Alberto Garrido and Alex Hopley
Everything that happened at Xbox Games Showcase 2024
There have been rumours, leaks and speculation for weeks, but now the biggest Xbox event of the year is over and we recap everything that happened...
Jonas Mäki
Night Springs promises a radical shift in tone from Alan Wake 2: "There were no rules or inhibitions"
Ketil sat down with a number of Remedy veterans to talk about the expansion that is out now for Alan Wake 2.
Games as a Service (GaaS): how online games prolong their lifespan
The age of widespread internet has had a tremendous impact on gaming.
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Everything you need to know ahead of the upcoming Summer games shows
What to watch, where to watch, and - most importantly - when to watch.
Five best characters in the Multiversus
When you've downloaded MultiVersus and you're in the mood to beat up other mascots online, who should you choose?
Jonas Mäki
Tom Cruise's top 5 performances
From Top Gun to bloodsucking vampire and in the middle of it all? Assassin, snooker ace and Nascar driver. Tom Cruise is the next guy to appear on Top Five!
Tom Hardy's top 5 performances
Capone, Venom, Bane, Mad Max... Tom Hardy has portrayed a host of truly iconic characters over the last 20 years and here are what we consider to be his five finest performances.
Jim Carrey's top 5 performances
After Petter ranked De Niro's best performances, Conny was inspired to rank one of his favourites. Here are Jim Carrey's very best roles.
Netflix: What to watch in June 2024
It's a big month for movie lovers, without a doubt.
Ben Lyons
Disney+: What to watch in June 2024
A couple of anticipated shows headline an otherwise quite barren month.
Ben Lyons
Screen Time - June 2024
This month is set to be one for the ages. Believe us. It's a big one.
Ben Lyons
Robert De Niro's top 5 performances
In a new series of articles, we rank the five finest performances from a range of big-name actors. First up is our favourite mobster, Bobby De Niro.
Games To Look For - June 2024
Expansions, remasters, and expansions. There's definitely a theme this month.
Ben Lyons
Are we facing a real console crisis?
Games are becoming more expensive and taking longer to develop, while console sales are falling and PCs are becoming more popular. Are we facing a disaster?
Jonas Mäki
Games that Changed Shape Over Time
There are, of course, plenty of games that, in the course of development, have changed shape and become something other than what was originally planned. Petter writes about five of them...
The arrival of Lorcana ushers in a new golden age of TCGs
Sergio forgets about 'Magic' for a moment to take a look and play a few games of Disney's foray into collectible card games in style.
Text: Sergio Benet
Editor's Opinion: Xbox's strategy is hard to understand right now
From calibrating the success criteria for individual Xbox titles, to distribution via Game Pass and multiplatform, Magnus is confused and frustrated.
Super Duel: Warzone vs Fortnite vs PUBG
The three great battle royale monoliths of the genre are competing for many of the same players, but on radically different terms and with different methods. Gamereactor has pitted them against each other in a big top duel...
The SpyraGO is not just another water blaster—it's a revolutionary piece of summer gear that redefines what it means to have fun in the sun. Whether you're looking to...
How much bad news can Xbox take?
There have been few good reasons to be an Xbox gamer over the past year, but Microsoft doesn't seem interested in creating positivity around the brand...
Top 11 aquatic video games that made a splash on us
Thalassophobia who? We take a deep dive into a bunch of titles with water-based mechanics or environments.
Text: Sonia Vela
10 Star Wars Characters You Forgot Existed
In honour of Star Wars Day, we've looked to celebrate some characters that don't often get to bask in the spotlight.
Text: Ben Lyons & Alex Hopley
Rennsport Interview: We talk to the team behind the promising sim-racer
The German upstart Competition Company is working feverishly on the upcoming racing simulator Rennsport, whose development lead is now Kim Orremark, an ex-Gamereactor editor.
We check in on Sea of Thieves to mark its PS5 launch
One of Microsoft's most successful modern Xbox titles is now coming to the rival platform. But what is it like to play?
Netflix: What to watch in May 2024
Comedy, action, documentaries, animation, and period pieces make up just some of what Netflix is bringing this month.
Ben Lyons