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Five lovable console flops

Five lovable console flops

Not all console launches have gone according to plan over the decades. Here are five consoles that sold poorly, but were pretty amazing anyway.

Text: Jonas Mäki
Best so far in 2024

Best so far in 2024

The first half of 2024 is over and now we're taking a look at which games have impressed us the most so far...

Text: Jonas Mäki
Games To Look For - July 2024

Games To Look For - July 2024

From anticipated expansions to narrative-heavy adventures, to retro collections and action-RPGs, to various sports options and strategy experiences too, there's a lot to look ahead to this July.

Text: Ben Lyons
The games that deserved a better fate

The games that deserved a better fate

Not all good games sell as well as hoped, and we take a closer look at some of the games that deserved better.

Text: GR Staff
Meryl Streep's top five performances

Meryl Streep's top five performances

The greatest female actor of modern times is Meryl Streep and although it's extremely difficult to choose five films from all her masterful performances, here is our top list...

Text: Petter Hegevall
Tom Cruise's top 5 performances

Tom Cruise's top 5 performances

From Top Gun to bloodsucking vampire and in the middle of it all? Assassin, snooker ace and Nascar driver. Tom Cruise is the next guy to appear on Top Five!

Text: Petter Hegevall
Tom Hardy's top 5 performances

Tom Hardy's top 5 performances

Capone, Venom, Bane, Mad Max... Tom Hardy has portrayed a host of truly iconic characters over the last 20 years and here are what we consider to be his five finest performances.

Text: Petter Hegevall
Games that Changed Shape Over Time

Games that Changed Shape Over Time

There are, of course, plenty of games that, in the course of development, have changed shape and become something other than what was originally planned. Petter writes about five of them...

Text: Petter Hegevall
Super Duel: Warzone vs Fortnite vs PUBG

Super Duel: Warzone vs Fortnite vs PUBG

The three great battle royale monoliths of the genre are competing for many of the same players, but on radically different terms and with different methods. Gamereactor has pitted them against each other in a big top duel...

Text: Petter Hegevall


The SpyraGO is not just another water blaster—it's a revolutionary piece of summer gear that redefines what it means to have fun in the sun. Whether you're looking to...

Text: Marcus Persson
How much bad news can Xbox take?

How much bad news can Xbox take?

There have been few good reasons to be an Xbox gamer over the past year, but Microsoft doesn't seem interested in creating positivity around the brand...

Text: Jonas Mäki
10 Star Wars Characters You Forgot Existed

10 Star Wars Characters You Forgot Existed

In honour of Star Wars Day, we've looked to celebrate some characters that don't often get to bask in the spotlight.

Text: Ben Lyons & Alex Hopley