Indie Seen
We take a look at some of the best indie games on the scene at the moment.
Text: Mike Holmes
Battle Ready: WildStar takes aim
The MMO with a free-form fighting system more akin to Zelda than Warcraft is taking shape ahead of release. We go hands-on and talk to the man behind the combat.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Dissecting [Spoilers]: Naughty Dog on The Last of Us
Spoilers ahead! We talk to the game's creators about story structure, hard choices, reveals and endings... and next game Easter Eggs.
Text: Gillen McAllister
Assassin's Creed IV: "We took a leaf out of Far Cry 3's book"
While Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag has been discussed at length in the months leading up to E3, there was still much to be discovered.
Text: Gillen McAllister
The Mysterious Mr. Kojima
We talked to the legendary Metal Gear Solid creator at this year's E3 to learn of his thoughts on next-gen, open worlds and Moby Dick Studios.
Text: Bengt Lemne
The Silver Lining: Xbox One Controller Hands-On
It may not have been a very good E3 for Microsoft, but the new controller held up.
Text: Bengt Lemne
The Great Illusion of Social Gaming on Next-Gen Consoles
Gamereactor Italy's new Editor-in-Chief Fabrizia Malgieri poses the question: are we indeed faced with a turning point in the history of video games?
Text: Fabrizia Malgieri
Touching the Future: PS4 Controller Hands-On
Similar vein but different technique; the PS4 controller flaunts new tweaks on the classic Sony pad design.
Text: Gillen McAllister
E3: The Long List
A big fat stack of games from this year's E3.
Text: Mike Holmes ad Lee West
Next-Gen Exclusives: Playstation 4
There are several new IPs coming to Playstation 4, and even more are making the jump from PC to Sony's console.
Text: Mike Holmes
Nintendo Direct - The Essentials
All of the news from Nintendo's E3 broadcast collected in one place.
Text: Mike Holmes
E3 Briefings - The Essentials
Everything you need to know in one place. Regularly updated with the latest news and trailers.
Text: Mike Holmes
Next-Gen Exclusives: Xbox One
All the major exclusive announcements from Microsoft's conference at E3.
Text: Mike Holmes and Jon Newcombe
Welcome to E3
We run through what's on when, and what you need to know on Gamereactor's dedicated sub-site.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Deus Ex: The Fall Interview
We talk to Jean-Francois Dugas, Executive Game Director about the iOS revolution.
Text: Gillen McAllister
The Sound of Silence: Reach's End
We reminisce of the lives lost and the stories told during Bungie's last stand in the Halo universe.
Text: Gillen McAllister
One petal at a time - Flower
You are the wind. Blowing through levels, restoring beauty, without a care in the world.
Text: Bengt Lemne
The Xbox One Interview: Matt Booty
Former CEO of Midway, Matt Booty joined Microsoft in April of 2010. He now works as General Manager and oversees Redmond Game Studios, including products for Xbox Live Arcade, Windows 8 and Windows Phone. I sat down with him in a small room on the Xbox Campus post Reveal to talk about his vision of the next generation.
Text: Carl Brännström
Xbox One: Questions Unanswered
It's the day after the big reveal from Microsoft - with the dust clearing from the machine's unveiling, we clear up the outstanding facts left unanswered at the briefing.
Text: Mike Holmes
Hands-on: Xbox One - Kinect & Controller
During the Xbox event we had a chance to try out the Xbox One controller, and fool around in front of the new Kinect. Here are our impressions...
Text: Carl Brännström
An Interview with Phil Harrison
Gamereactor's Carl Brännström caught up with Microsoft's Phil Harrison to discuss the newly announced console, Xbox One.
Text: Carl Brännström
Xbox One - Microsoft's Presentation
Tonight we got a first look at Microsoft's new console. Here's what we saw.
Text: Mike Holmes
Gaming's Defining Moments - Halo 3
This week we remember the game that many still consider to be Bungie's finest hour, Halo 3.
Text: Mike Holmes
Behind the Legend: Making of Grimrock 2
We paid a visit to Finnish indies Almost Human to find out more about the sequel to the surprise hit Legend of Grimrock.
Text: Mika Sorvari
Interview: The Behemoth's Dan Paladin
Art director and co-founder of The Behemoth, Dan Paladin, shares his thoughts on BattleBlock Theater and game development.
Text: Pard Madrid
Gaming's Defining Moments - Batman: Arkham Asylum
We continue to recall some of the greatest games of the generation. This time Rocksteady Studios' revival of a caped crusader.
Text: Jon Newcombe
GRTV: Best of GDC - Part 1
We've taken a look at the content that came out of our GDC trip.
Text: Bengt Lemne
Gaming's Defining Moments - Trials HD
Through gritted teeth we remember one of the most addictive titles of the last generation: Trials HD.
Text: Mike Holmes
Crafting the New World: RuneScape 3 Interview
Jagex hosted an event in England this week to announce the sweeping changes of their long-running MMO, RuneScape.
Text: Gillen McAllister
The Music of Blood Dragon: Interview
With the Far Cry 3 DLC released today, we tracked down the outfit behind its soundtrack, Power Glove, to talk how they replicated the soundscape of 80s action cinema.
Text: Gillen McAllister
The Crowdfund Watch: April
We're back with another monthly look at the crowdfunding scene.
Text: Bengt Lemne
Xcom: Enemy Unknown iOS Interview
With the turn-based Enemy Unknown getting converted to Apple's devices, we tracked down Firaxis lead designer Jake Solomon to talk about the project.
Text: Lee West
Gaming's Defining Moments - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
We reflect on one of the best action-adventure games of recent years.
Text: Mike Holmes
GRTV: Best of PAX East - Part 1
Things we filmed in Beantown during Penny Arcade Expo (PAX East).
Text: Bengt Lemne
Nintendo 3DS Direct: A Link to the Highlights
Nintendo's latest Direct broadcast did the usual thing of starting slow, then going into info overload faster than we could type.
Text: Gillen McAllister
PAX East 13 - Photo Gallery
We came, we saw, we shot. And filmed. And reported.
Text: Bengt Lemne
Civilization V: Brave New World - Interview
At a recent event in London we caught up with Civilization V's producer, Dennis Shirk, and found out a bit more about how incoming expansion - Brave New World - is going to impact the iconic strategy game.
Text: Mike Holmes
Killer is Dead vs. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Katanas and cyborg arms: mechanics and flesh come head to head in two upcoming titles from Grasshopper Manufacture and Team Ninja/Comcept.
Text: Bengt Lemne
Gaming's Defining Moments - Heavy Rain
The story might have been written by Quantic Dream, but the ending was all our own work.
Text: Mike Holmes
Gaming's Defining Moments - Fallout 3
We look back on Bethesda's bleak future sci-fi creation as part of our ongoing Generation's Greatest series.
Text: Mike Holmes
Multiplayer: Getting it Right
Are publishers enforcing multiplayer on games that don't need them? And what can developers do to keep multiplayer interesting?
Text: Gillen McAllister
Dead Space: Liberation Interview
Text: Gillen McAllister
Gaming's Defining Moments - Project Gotham Racing 3
How Bizarre Creations kickstarted the generational divide with the roar of a racing engine.
Text: Gillen McAllister
The Crowdfund Watch: March
Text: Bengt Lemne
PAX East Preview
Text: Bengt Lemne
Gaming's Defining Moments - Red Dead Redemption
How the thunder in the skies above roared out a world of gunfire below.
Text: Gillen McAllister
PS Vita: A New Hope
"Once again my Vita is starting to look like a worthwhile purchase."
Text: Mike Holmes
Tomb Raider: Composer Commentary
Text: Gillen McAllister
Generation's Greatest
"We still remember every corner, every piece of cover, ever shotgun wielding enemy that needed to be avoided."
Text: Mike Holmes
Pulp - The Microsoft Interview
"We're always looking at new ways to bring popular content to our customers."
Text: GR-UK Staff