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Mantle vs DirectX 11

Mantle vs DirectX 11

Is AMD's new technology the right alternative to DirectX? See inside, with some surprising benchmarks with Battlefield 4 and Star Swarm...

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Lightning Returns: The Final Word

Lightning Returns: The Final Word

The creative team talk finishing the game, review feedback, and what they've got planned next.

Text: Gillen McAllister
Spymaster: Interrogating PlayRaven

Spymaster: Interrogating PlayRaven

PlayRaven's cover is blown, and it's up to us to make the studio talk about the intriguing spy game that's heading to iPad.

Text: Mike Holmes
Tomb Raider - One Year On

Tomb Raider - One Year On

We've spent the day with Lara again as Tomb Raider releases on PS4 and Xbox One. Here's our thoughts.

Text: Gillen McAllister
Crowdfund Watch: January

Crowdfund Watch: January

We take a closer look at some of January's most promising crowdfunding campaigns and look back at December's picks.

Text: Bengt Lemne
A visit to Wargaming's European HQ

A visit to Wargaming's European HQ

We sample Japanese tanks and take a tour of the Wargaming.net offices in Paris.

Text: Philip Lauritz Poulsen
Raising the Banners - Stoic's Saga

Raising the Banners - Stoic's Saga

"Our design for everything in this game was very much focused on taking the fantasy genre in an unusual direction."

Text: Mike Holmes
The Best of Clancy

The Best of Clancy

As we march towards The Division, we take a look back on those Tom Clancy-inspired titles that make their namesake proud.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Massive's David Polfeldt - Culture, Division & Legacy

Massive's David Polfeldt - Culture, Division & Legacy

We sat down to talk to Massive Entertainment's managing director David Polfeldt after his presentation at the D.I.C.E European Summit. On the table: The Division, studio working practices and much more.

Text: Gillen McAllister
Steam Rising

Steam Rising

Opinion: PC gaming has been at the forefront of this year's CES. In light of the announcements made, we consider the possibilities for the platform.

Text: Mike Holmes
PlayStation 4: One Month On

PlayStation 4: One Month On

PlayStation 4 launched in Europe on November 29 and we've been playing ever since, finding things we really like and things we'd like to see improve.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Xbox One: One Month On

Xbox One: One Month On

So it's been over a month (and change) since we've adjusted to having the Xbox 360's successor in our homes. We weigh up what, so far, has been working for us, and more importantly, what we're disagreeing with.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
PlayStation Now: Cloudy Tomorrow

PlayStation Now: Cloudy Tomorrow

Opinion: Sony's streaming service has been lauded as a new horizon for gaming. But there's a lot of questions in need of proper answers. We investigate the issues.

Text: Bengt Lemne
Alien: Isolation - the Aliens title we deserve?

Alien: Isolation - the Aliens title we deserve?

Just before the end of 2013, we were invited to Horsham, England, to see the latest product of Sega's collaboration with the Alien movie licence. Banish Colonial Marines from your mind - this is how you do sci-fi horror right.

Text: Gillen McAllister
Bringing back 1993

Bringing back 1993

Twenty years ago four teenagers from a small town in Sweden created a game for the Amiga in their spare time. We talked to Krister Karlsson about why it was abandoned then and why he's looking to release it on Steam now.

Text: Oskar Nyström
Wildstar: Dodging the WoW Factor

Wildstar: Dodging the WoW Factor

We talked to Carbine Studios' art director Matt Mocarski about inspirations for Wildstar and its origins.

Text: Kim Visnes
Crowdfund Watch: December

Crowdfund Watch: December

It's that time of the month again. We take a look at recent and on going crowdfunding campaigns.

Text: Bengt Lemne
Gran Turismo 6: One Game, Two Verdicts

Gran Turismo 6: One Game, Two Verdicts

Two of Gamereactor's biggest racing fans - Petter Hegevall and Thomas Blichfeldt - have spent the last week playing Polyphony's latest.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
The Wii U - One Year On

The Wii U - One Year On

With all the Sony and Microsoft celebrations, let's not forget that this weekend marks the one year anniversary of Wii U. We look back over a troubled 12 months.

Text: Bengt Lemne
PlayStation 4: Hands-On Verdict

PlayStation 4: Hands-On Verdict

We've spent the last week trying out PS3's successor. Here's what we liked, what we didn't, and everything in-between.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Three Studios, One Platform: Devs talk Xbox One

Three Studios, One Platform: Devs talk Xbox One

With the console officially launched in the UK and beyond, we talk to the Forza, Ryse and Dead Rising developers about finishing development, feedback and surprises of the new tech.

Text: Gillen McAllister
Xbox One: Hands-On Verdict

Xbox One: Hands-On Verdict

After spending a week with the Xbox 360 successor, here's what we liked, what we didn't, and everything in between.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Xbox One: Launch Reviews

Xbox One: Launch Reviews

All the scores of the launch games right here.

Text: Gillen McAllister
The Crowdfund Watch: November

The Crowdfund Watch: November

It's that time of the month when we bring you some of the latest and greatest crowdfund campaigns.

Text: Bengt Lemne
Breaking the Halo

Breaking the Halo

It's been a year since 343 released Halo 4. We contemplate the health of the series, and consider its long-term prognosis.

Text: Mike Holmes
PlayStation 4 Essentials: The Games

PlayStation 4 Essentials: The Games

We take a closer look at the games that you'll be playing on your PS4 in the year ahead.

Text: Bengt Lemne & Mike Holmes
Bioshock Infinite: Rebuilding Rapture

Bioshock Infinite: Rebuilding Rapture

We sit down with Burial at Sea's producer, Don Roy, and find out more about the inspirations behind the incoming DLC.

Text: Jon Newcombe
Xbox One Essentials: The Games

Xbox One Essentials: The Games

So you've pre-ordered your console. It'll be here in less than a month. Now... what do you want to play on it?

Text: Bengt Lemne & Mike Holmes
Xbox One Essentials: All You Need to Know

Xbox One Essentials: All You Need to Know

With the launch of Microsoft's next-gen console exactly one month away, we take a closer look at what Xbox One has to offer.

Text: Bengt Lemne
Delay for the Good of the Game

Delay for the Good of the Game

We recently lost both Watch Dogs and Driveclub to the insatiable demons of delay. Thinning out the number of day one titles on both PS4 and Xbox One.

Text: Bengt Lemne
The Crowdfund Watch: October

The Crowdfund Watch: October

We're taking a look at four new campaigns and revisit last month's challengers.

Text: Bengt Lemne
Xcom: Enemy Within - Lead Designer Interview

Xcom: Enemy Within - Lead Designer Interview

Lead Designer Ananda Gupta explains to us why battling new enemies, Exalt, in Xcom's incoming expansion is more like a fencing match than keeping goal against the aliens.

Text: Mike Holmes
The Good, Bad & Odd of DigiDays 2013

The Good, Bad & Odd of DigiDays 2013

Ubisoft's annual digital-focused event completed its global tour last week; we report back from the European leg with impressions of what was on show.

Text: Gillen McAllister, Arttu Rajala and Martin Eiser
Cinema & Games: The Two Souls of Beyond

Cinema & Games: The Two Souls of Beyond

Fabrizia Malgieri ponders the parallels between the characters in Beyond: Two Souls and the different media Quantic Dream uses to tell their story.

Text: Fabrizia Malgieri
Grand Theft Auto V: The Essentials

Grand Theft Auto V: The Essentials

With the release of GTAV just around the corner, we've assembled everything you need to know about the biggest launch of the year.

Text: Mike Holmes