Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Approximately 90% of Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero sales came from the US and Europe

The game sold 3 million copies within 24 hours of release.

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Never discount the sales potential of Dragon Ball. The latest game starring characters from the beloved anime franchise, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero sold 3 million copies within 24 hours of release, and has become an instant mainstay of Dragon Ball fighting games.

According to some interesting figures from Bandai Namco, approximately 90% of the sales were from audiences in the US and Europe. Dragon Ball is of course a Japanese IP, but its charm is universal, as proven by how many people across the world were willing to buy the game.

In a separate report, Bandai Namco outlines that the sales figures the game saw were seen as "outstanding" by those at the company. Some of its other titles this past quarter saw slightly more disappointing sales, but Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero carried it through.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

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