Apex Legends Mobile

Apex Legends was the most downloaded game on iOS last week

It reached the top 10 in 60 of the 89 countries that it launched in.

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A report from PocketGamer reveals that Apex Legends Mobile, Respawn's mobile version of its highly popular battle royale game, was the most downloaded game on iOS last week in 60 countries. As if that wasn't enough, it hit the top 10 in a whopping 89 countries since it was released on May 17th. Among the countries where the game was most downloaded were the US, UK, Japan, India and Germany.

In other words, things are still going very well for Respawn on that front right now, as recently they revealed that the original game has pulled in an incredible $2 billion in the three years it's been out. Meanwhile, Apex Legends Mobile has pushed heavyweights like PUBG Mobile off the top and it's perhaps no great surprise that it's doing so well considering how big Apex Legends has become on PC and console over the last few years.

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Apex Legends Mobile

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