
Angry Video Game Nerd unveils his own NES game

James Rolfe is back as the star of Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit, launching on multiple platforms, including a real NES cartridge.

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James Rolfe, one of the earliest personalities on YouTube has now unveiled a new NES game in which he himself appears as a protagonist. However, this is not the first time he has been a character in this medium. Previously, he was the protagonist in Angry Video Game Nerd I-II and in Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures. This time, he is the main character in the upcoming Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit, which will be launched on Switch, Xbox, PlayStation and Steam. The unique thing about this title is that it will also be launched on the NES in a real cartridge for the console. You can find out what he has to say about his new project in the video below.

Do you own an NES, and will you be buying the game?

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