AEW: Fight Forever
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AEW: Fight Forever shows full match between Kenny Omega and Adam Cole

We're still waiting to hear when the game will release.

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Yuke's and THQ Nordic has taken the opportunity during Gamescom to show the world a full match between Kenny Omega and Adam Cole in their upcoming wrestling title AEW: Fight Forever. This is the first time we're getting such a good look at things to come, with some in-depth explanations.

It seems like there is a bigger effort on the actual wrestling in this game, and that inspiration has been taken from the classic Nintendo 64 games from AKI Corporation in this genre (they even specifically mention this in the video), like WWF No Mercy and of course WCW/NWO Revenge.

AEW: Fight Forever still doesn't have a release date, but as we are now allowed to see full matches like this, we assume sometime during 2023 is a very reasonable guess. It launches for PC, PlayStation 4/5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X.

AEW: Fight Forever

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AEW: Fight ForeverScore

AEW: Fight Forever

REVIEW. Written by Johan Vahlström

Our wrestling king and sports expert Johan Vahlström has delivered suplexes, pile drivers and jaw slaps galore to review AEW: Fight Forever.

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