AEW: Fight Forever

AEW: Fight Forever release date confirmed

The wrestling game will launch on the 29th of June.

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AEW has announced that its first game, AEW: Fight Forever, will release on the 29th of June. This confirmation comes to us via a new trailer posted from THQ Nordic featuring Kenny Omega.

In a press release, Omega said: "When I first signed with AEW, Tony Khan gave me the opportunity to assemble the best gaming team that understands and respects professional wrestling, to make the best wrestling games ever... AEW: Fight Forever has exceeded my highest expectations, and I'm confident that June 29 will be a momentous day for wrestling fans and gamers alike. "

AEW CEO Tony Khan also gave a statement. "With Fight Forever, Kenny and our world-class team have delivered an authentic, nostalgic feel of wrestling games past, along with the unmatched creativity that AEW brings to the table."

The wrestling game has certainly been a long time coming, as it was announced previously that it would be with us by the end of 2022. That date passed, and we were still unsure of when we'd be seeing AEW: Fight Forever. Now, we have a release date, and it's not too far away, either.

AEW: Fight Forever launches on the 29th of June for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

AEW: Fight Forever

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REVIEW. Written by Johan Vahlström

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