So, it finally happened, just like all the rumours said. Nintendo has now announced and shown off the Switch 2, and everything in the form of leaked images and information seems to have been correct. That includes that the first (and so far only) game we got a glimpse of was a new Mario Kart - which was also rumoured.
We don't know anything about this Mario Kart yet - not even its title, although Mario Kart 9 seems likely - but a Nintendo Direct is promised in April where we will hopefully see more. The same rumour that said that a new Mario Kart would be shown along with the console (which was accurate), also says that the game will now have a live service setup and will be continuously expanded throughout the next Nintendo generation with everything from drivers to tracks, power ups, karts, game modes and much more.
Assuming this Mario Kart is released at the console's launch, which seems quite likely since it's now been shown off, how likely are you to buy it?