During our recent trip to Square Enix's London office we got to talk with Meagan Marie, Community Manager at Crystal Dynamics who also wrote the 20 Years of Tomb Raider book we've previously reported on, and during our time with her we asked how the process of writing the book was for her, and what went into it.
"That was just a kind of non-intentional project I fell into," she explained. "So I'm a huge Tomb Raider fan, I've been a huge Tomb Raider fan since I was very young, and we were just pitching with people we wanted to merchandise to, just pitching ideas, and I evidently pitched it very enthusiastically because I had basically said 'this is what we can do and these are the chapters and this is how we can break it down'. I think that planted the seed unintentionally that I might be interested in writing it, and so in a call not long after we were finalising what we wanted the book to be they said 'how involved do you wanna be?' and I said 'how involved can I be?' and they said 'well, do you want to write it?' and I just turned to my boss and I said 'is that a thing? Can I do that? Can I write a book?', and he said yeah."
"So it was a nights and weekends project for about five months, working like 90 hours a week between the day job and writing, but it was an incredibly fulfilling experience that brought me even closer to the franchise because I got to interview people that I looked up to, who created the character, who just meant so much to me, so it was really, really cool."
We couldn't leave without asking her what her favourite game was, and she said she in fact had two: "So my favourite classic is Tomb Raider 2, and my favourite modern one is Rise [...] they're very different tonally, they've got that same sense of adventure and so on, but it's very hard for me to pick just one so I always do the eras."
Will you be picking up the book at some point?