Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

More drama for Modern Warfare 2

Activision countersues IW-founders

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The drama never seems to end around the co-founders of Infinity Ward and Activision. Jason West and Vince Zampella were fired from Infinity Ward a while ago, they then sued Activision and now Activision are countering with a lawsuit of their own - saying that "West and Zampella morphed from valued, responsible executives into insubordinate and self-serving schemers who attempted to hijack Activision's assets for their own personal gain."

Activision also claimed that the two had been "embarking on a secret trip by private jet to Northern California, arranged by their Hollywood agent, to meet with the most senior executives of Activision's closest competitor" - most certainly EA.

Zampella and West have stated that the claims are unfounded, to the point of being "false and outrageous". Their lawyer, Robert Schwartz, claims that "[t]his is just an Activision tactic to avoid paying Jason and Vince and everyone else at Infinity Ward the millions of dollars they all earned and that Activision owes them."

When asked for a comment to their involvement in the whole affair, EA's Jeff Brown reportedly say that they "don't have the time to comment on the many lawsuits Activision files against its employees and creative partners".

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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