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It's nice to see a good review for this game. I feel that many reviews have been unduly harsh on it. 3D platformers aren't really made anymore. Perhaps the modern generation of Xbone and PS4 gamers don't appreciate a game that isn't high-octaine wall-to-wall action. Perhaps in today's market gamers don't appreciate that game mechanics can be a part of gameplay as well. Who really knows why some outlets have been harsh.

Personally, this has peaked my interest. If it's similar to Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, or Kameo then I know I'll enjoy it.

One thing I'd like to know is, how linear is it? Is it a contained experience werein progression is a case of clearing a previous level or zone to move on to the next, or does it involve a lot of back-tracking and situations where the best stuff is unlocked by returning to previous levels/zones and using new abilities.

Also, are there defined levels and zones in this game or is it more of an open world?
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Hey Baltharan,

there are five separated big worlds you open one by one conected by a medium-size hub stage, but there is a lot of back-tracking because a some pagies are not accesible until you get new abilities.

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